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Star Wars Golden Age Of The Sith

asazeclu1989 2020. 2. 7. 21:16

Thousands of years before feeble Jedi corrupted their name, there was a Sith Empire. The True Sith Empire, one founded on strength and blood sacrifice, by the True Sith, a species that understood the power of the Dark Side of the Force. Before the Republic it ruled dozens of worlds across the Stygian Caldera, united in fear of the ruling Sith Lords. This is their Golden Age.In Golden Age, players take on the role of a Sith Lord in the ancient Sith Empire of the Star Wars (Legacy) Universe. The game begins soon after the death of Marka Ragnos, the ruler of the Sith Empire, and focuses on the struggle to succeed him as Dark Lord of the Sith. Fight across a dozen worlds, in space, with armies and the power of the force to claim a place in the legends of the Sith.Golden Age is a character-driven game, which means the player explicitly controls a single Character (a Sith Lord), as in the popular incest simulator Crusader Kings.

The Golden Age of the Sith (Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi)By Sandra SchlickLike all star wars 'tales of the jedi'-comix, this one is a fabulous one, beautiful pictures, nice and interesting story. Read Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith Issue #4 comic online free and high quality. Unique reading type: All pages - just need to scroll to read next page.

This character commands Legions, directs Fleets, and governs Planets, but whenever they are not personally present they delegate through other characters. These characters are part of your Pyramid, a feudal structure of Sith Lords personally loyal to you that forms your power base. Players can be part of another player’s Pyramid, but any empty slots will be filled with NPCs. Pyramids are identified by their head, so a player serving under Marka Ragnos would be Pyramid: Marka Ragnos.Characters. Character StatsName:Pyramid:Level:Traits:Each character has three simple stats. Name is self-evident, and is a unique personal identifier used to distinguish this character from others. Level is a representation of that character’s experience and competency, and improves their effectiveness and survivability.

Level increases as they survive battles and achieve victories. Traits are unique features that distinguish them from another character of the same level. A character can select a new trait at every level, and can receive traits during the update to reflect actions taken therein. As a character gains level, they become overall more powerful and their traits become stronger. They can select the same trait multiple times.Every character begins at level 0, and can gain levels either during character creation or from the update.

In the update, they will gain levels chiefly from combat, leading armies or fleets into battle. They will also gain levels from stories, as they develop their powers over the dark side. Legion StatsName:Pyramid:Leader:Composition:Strength:Experience:Legions are the armies of the Sith Empire, representing a standing force of troops that can be replenished and reinforced. Their Leader is the character currently in command of them, which will be a level 0 NPC if not otherwise specified. Their Composition is the make-up of the Legion itself, composed of Regulars, Officers, Auxiliaries, and Traits. Their Strength is the number of troops in the Legion, out of a base strength of 5,000.

It can be reduced below this number, but it cannot be raised above it. Experience is an indicator of how effective it is as a fighting formation from, well, experience, and is on a scale of 0-20 (beginning at 0). Experience decreases over time and as a result of new recruits being added to reinforce a legion.Legions cost $20 to recruit ($15 for conscripts).

Strength is replenished at a cost of $1 for 500 troops (or 1000 droids). Legions require $5 a turn in upkeep.CompositionRegulars:Officers:Auxiliaries:Regulars are the rank-and-file of the legion, selected from one of four options. Conscripts, Warriors, Droids, and Mercenaries. Conscripts are alien or lesser Sith troops pressed into service from the local world the Legion is recruited on. They’re of questionable enthusiasm, but are most effective on similar worlds and gain a bonus Trait reflecting that. Warriors are members of the Sith Warrior Caste, raised from birth to serve the Sith Lords.

Star Wars Golden Age Of The Sith

They’re ferocious shock troopers and loyal to death, but take higher casualties. Droids are mechanical beings equipped with rudimentary artificial intelligence.

They’re cheap and expendable, but dependent on their officers and not good at adapting quickly to changing circumstances. Mercenaries are recruited from an errant soldier class, Sith and non-Sith, that drifts from Sith Lord to Sith Lord, seeking the best opportunities to profit. They’re cunning and resourceful fighters, but value their own hides above anything else.Officers are the commanding troops of the legion, selected from one of three options. Sith, Veterans and Warriors.

Sith are minor Sith apprentices in service to the Pyramid, hoping to gain advancement on the battlefield and the recognition of their superiors. They excel at inflicting damage to the enemy, but aren’t concerned about their own losses. Veterans are old soldiers with decades of experience across the Empire. They’re quick-thinking and ruthless, but they didn’t survive this long by being willing to take risks. Warriors are members of the Sith warrior caste. Ship StatsName:Leader:Class:Modules:Integrity:Ships are space-faring warships capable of travelling from one world to another. They are defined by their leader, their class and their modules.

Their integrity is a value of how much damage it has taken. Damage is repaired automatically when near a ship with a repair module or around a friendly world. Combat effectiveness decreases as integrity decreases. Multiple modules of the same type can be built in a ship.There are three types of ships:. Destroyers are large warships with lots of room for modules. They have 10 modules, cost $20, and can only be built on planets with shipyards. They require $4 a turn in upkeep.

Frigates are smaller warships. They have 5 modules and cost $10. They require $2 a turn in upkeep. Parasite squadrons are groups of one or two man craft. They have 2 modules and cost $4. Planet StatsName:Pyramid:Value:Terrain:Traits:Planets are worlds of the Sith Empire. They are ruled by the representatives of a given Pyramid.

Their value is how much income they contribute to their Pyramid every turn. Their terrain is one of several terrain types that is dominant across the planet, and gives bonuses or penalties to troops on that planet. Their traits are unique features.Every planet's value is set at the start. A world’s value can be reduced through conflict and instability, in which case some can be reclaimed through reconstruction. Economic growth requires a long period of peace and stability, which generally won’t happen within the confines of the game.Terrain types.

Arctic. Desert. Forest/Jungle. Mountainous. Ocean.

Plains. VolcanicTraits:. War-torn (Legions recruited here begin with 5 experience). Shipyards (Allows construction of destroyers).

Extreme Terrain (Terrain penalties doubled). Force Nexus (Characters here gain levels faster)The EmpireThe Sith Empire is a collection of worlds ruled in a feudal structure through a single Dark Lord.

At the beginning of the game there is no Dark Lord, and his recent death has the Sith fighting over his successor. The core of the empire was settled by the Ancient Sith under the semi-Legendary King Adas, and on his death it fragmented until the arrival of force-sensitive exiles from outside the Empire, who seized power over the Sith.Sith society is structured by caste. At the top are the Sith Lords, who are force-sensitive and are a mix of pure Sith and human exiles. Below them is the Priest Caste, who serve as administrators. Then the Warrior Caste, who fight in armies. Then the Engineer Caste, who build and maintain technology.

Star Wars Golden Age Of The Sith 2

Last, the Slave Caste, who are low-ranking Sith and Aliens.Travel within the Empire is accomplished through hyperspace lanes, along which nearly all ships must move.The two most important worlds are the capital, Ziost, and the ancient homeworld of the Sith, Korriban, which contains the Valley of the Dark Lords. Control of these worlds will provide long-term benefits.

They are not available to the players at the start of the game.Aliens“Aliens” technically refers to non-Sith, but in this context it refers to political structures outside the Sith Empire, ruled by non-Sith. These worlds are unplayable, but can be conquered. They are usually richer than Sith Worlds, but less militarized.Conquest of alien worlds will be more involved than taking a world from another Sith Lord, and there will usually be significant pacification necessary. Alien worlds are strange and there may be hidden benefits or technology outside the normal Sith paradigm.PlayersHow do you join? Express interest, whip up a quick Sith Lord. A set number of creation points are given to players to begin with to allow the creation of your starting character and some beginning forces. Frequently Asked Questions1) Can I have a lightsaber?Yes.

Lightsabers were introduced to the Sith Empire by Jedi exiles. However, the lightsabers of the time (5000 BBY) are not as advanced as those of the 'modern' era. They are less powerful and require portable battery packs to operate.

Star Wars Golden Age Of The Sith Full

They are also more costly to make and maintain, requiring specialized training to use effectively. Thus, most Sith and many Lords operate using alchemical war swords, made out of the same material as starship hulls and sheathed in a force-fuelled plasma current that provides most of the cutting power of a lightsaber at a fraction of the cost.2) Can I be a non-Sith Lord?The majority of Sith Lords are hybrids between human Dark Jedi and the Sith Warrior and Priest Castes. The racial superiority of the Sith and the Empire's rigid caste structure provide substantial disadvantages to force-users of inappropriate genetic background. They will gain a negative 'Slave' trait to reflect their appropriate caste in Sith Society, with a corresponding penalty to relations with NPC Sith.3) Can I combine traits X and Y?Yes.

Surprise me.4) What would a generic Sith Lord look like, for someone who doesn't like customization?EXAMPLEName: Horrud Maan (Level 2, two traits)$100 to spend-$45 on $20 planet with 1 trait-$20 on legion-$10 on a second character level-$20 on a destroyer-$4 on a fighter squadron-$1 bankedReserved for Stats. The life of a slave on Svolten was a hard one. That was the life Jaynoah was born into. Backbreaking labor, hunger, and daily suffering. Her parents had been slaves, their parents had been slaves, and their parents, probably as far back as the Rakata.Some might argue that this was by design: Slavery itself has no place in a technological society where droid labor is as common as air. It did, however, produce adversity, and adversity bred anger, and anger bred Sith.And so it was with Jaynoah.She was thirteen when the she first reached out with the force to snap the overseer’s neck.

As his lifeless body slumped to the ground, she first drank from the deep well of power that was the darkside.The Overseer’s guards swarmed over her, beating her to within an inch of her life. As she lay on the ground, her blood soaking into the mud of Begeron, gazing with fading eyes at the great pyramid of the Sith, she felt it for the first time.The curious gaze of something far more powerful and eldritch than she could comprehend.Even as her life dripped out of shattered bones and broken skin, he swore that she would survive, and that that power would be hers.In that moment, the Sith tradition of slavery was vindicated.It was years before Jaynoah set foot on Svolten again. She had been taken from that muddy grave, her wounds treated, and had been unceremoniously dumped aboard a transport to Korriban. The Academy was hard, a human slave amongst nobles.But perhaps that was by design as well, because, while those around her coasted, secure in their own superiority, she was forced to push beyond all of them. Even as the disdain of her peers grew into resentment and resentment into hatred, even as they tried again and again for her death, it became apparent even to the most blindly arrogant pureblood that Jaynoah was destined for greatness.And so the smartest amongst them, the weakest, gathered around her, seeing in her their salvation in the blood soaked sands of Korriban. And for a time they prospered. Countless ancient artifacts of the Sith and the Rakata were brought back, always they credited Jaynoah with their success, and always, magnanimously, she shared that success.But through her they learned their most important lesson.

Star Wars Golden Age Of The Sith Walkthrough

Power comes from within, not without, and, when she left the Academy, those who followed her fell prey to her rivals. But she did not care, for she had finally found the man who had touched her mind so many years ago. That same Eldritch power that had given her the will to live, the lust for the possibilities of the darkside, no longer seemed so strange, so powerful. Still a sun compared to the arc-light of her own power, but comprehensible none the less.Darth Faqar, Sith Lord.

He had once sat at Marka Ragnos’s knee, had rubbed shoulders with Ludo Kresh and Naga Sadow themselves, but had wisely stood aside as they consumed themselves in their conflict over Ragnos’s Throne. And now, it was whispered, with a few key words here, a murder there, Faqar stood absolutely powerful where Kresh and Sadow were interred on Korriban, their ghosts left with little but the fear of apprentices.And now Jaynoah was to be his apprentice. Last among many at first, but finally first amongst them. Where they sought to lavish extravagant gift after extravagant gift upon their master, Jaynoah understood the lessons of Korriban, of the sith, that power is the ultimate gift.